About Project
The work has covered the platforms in the Ekofisk ares as well as the pipelines carrying their production to market. Physical structures above and below the waves are detailed – exteriors, interiors, machinery and equipment as well as significant modifications. A systematic selection of documentary sources related to Ekofisk from 1962 to 2019 covers documentation and depictions of characteristic features of the area’s development. These include technological advances, special projects, historical events, negotiations and decisions underlying development decisions and choices, political decisions and debate.
Work has been pursued by the Norwegian Petroleum Museum, the Regional State Archives in Stavanger and the National Library of Norway in Mo i Rana, in cooperation with CobocoPHillips Norway.
The project has been led by the Norwegian Petroleum Museum.
Photographs, films, publications and objects have been preserved by the museum, whose staff has written articles for the website which help to create a context for the archival material.
The technical platform for the website, is based on WordPressand and adapted by Olavstoppen to provide the desired functionality. A search function has also been developed by the National Library to make the digital material searchable across the whole website. This means that photographs, books, scanned magazines, objects and other interesting material are now readily accessible.
The National Library has also ensured the preservation of digital radio clips, scanned magazines and digitised film.
The Norwegian Oil and Gas Archive/Regional State Archives in Stavangerhas been responsible for the sub-project relating to archives. This has identified, selected, organised and catalogued the records covered by the project.