Ekofisk 2/4 L
- Accommodation and field centre platform
- Development plan approved by Norwegian government 12 March 2010
- Installed summer of 2013
- Operational November 2013
- Also known as Ekofisk Lima

Ekofisk 2/4 L replaced the Ekofisk 2/4 H and Ekofisk 2/4 Q accommodation platforms. Its jacket (support structure) was fabricated by Kværner Verdal north of Trondheim, while SMOE in Singapore supplied the topsides. Weighing 11 500 tonnes, the latter were lifted into place by the Saipem 7000 heavy-lift vessel on 11 August 2013.

When 2/4 L became operational in November 2014, its 552 single cabins made it the largest accommodation installation in the Norwegian North Sea. It was pushed into second place when counting number of berths in 2019, when the 560-bed Johan Sverdrup living accommodation were completed. But 2/4 L is still the largest measured in number of single cabins as Johan Sverdrup has 450.
Facilities on 2/4 L include offices, hospital, recreation areas and a telecommunications centre. Two helicopter hangars and a helideck with a capacity for 50 flights a day were also installed.
The first overnight stay took place on 25-26 November 2013. Robert Eriksson, minister of labour and social affairs, spoke at the official inauguration on 1 April 2014.