Application for trial productionFrench win Ekofisk tank job

The Phillips group enters into construction contracts

person by the Norwegian Petroleum Museum
The start of the construction of permanent platforms in the field was called phase II.
— Brostøtten mellom Ekofisk 2/4 C og Ekofisk 2/4 T settes på plass. Foto: ConocoPhillips/Norsk Oljemuseum
© Norsk Oljemuseum

Phase II was to consist of the location of a production platform (2/4 A), a flame tower installation and two drilling platforms (2/4 B and 2/4 C).

At the beginning of phase II, the oil was still to be buoy loaded, but according to the plan, a 34-inch oil pipeline was to be laid ashore.

The landing alternatives examined were: Lista (Norway), Wilhelmshaven (West Germany), Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Teesside (England).

Application for trial productionFrench win Ekofisk tank job
Published 14. September 2017   •   Updated 3. September 2021
© Norsk Oljemuseum
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